Director: Sarah Gagliano, Elizabeth Covington
Age Group Served: Infants through Age 3 (0 -48 months)
Meeting Times:
Sunday School - 9:00am
Sunday AM Service - 10:15am
Sunday PM Service - 6:30pm
Wednesday PM Service - 7:00pm
**Occasional needs during special events such as Missions Conference, or Ladies Conference.
Who can help:
Ladies 18 years and older can work as a teacher.
Teenagers can work as helpers
Skills, Personalities, or Spiritual Gifts best suited for this ministry:
Work well with children
Be compassionate, loving, and motherly
Be friendly
Workers are asked to help one service a month or more often if they wish to.
Substitute workers are needed in the event that the regularly scheduled worker is out.
South Haven student ministry is designed to help middle school and high school students grow their faith, their character, and their relationships. It’s about creating an atmosphere that is Christ-focused where they can belong. We encourage our youth to be involved in everything we do from inviting, participating in activities, and serving.
Our adult ministry centers on gathering as a community around the Word of God and living lives modeled after Christ. The goal of all adult ministries at South Haven is to help challenge participants to live out their faith while impacting others with the power and truth of the Gospel! We have many groups available. Contact us to join a group!
Tim & Victoria Rosen
Crossroads Singles
HS Wing - Room 103
David & Grace Gray
"Show Me the Bible"
2nd Floor - Room 230
James & Naomi Sawyers
Pathfinders Singles
HS Wing - Room 101
Paul & Angi Rodefer
2nd Floor - Room 224
Kyle & Cari Epley
Faith in Focus Singles
HS Wing - Room 100
David & Sharon Blaser
Auditorium Bible Class
Main Auditorium
Frankie & Sarah Gagliano
2nd Floor - Choir Room
Mitchell & Brenda Buck
2nd Floor - Room 223
Damos gracias a Dios por permitirnos estar en el Ministerio Hispano de la Iglesia Bautista South Haven desde mayo de 1998. El Pastor Frank Gagliano tuvo la carga y la visión de alcanzar a la comunidad hispana para Cristo y oró para que Dios enviara a un Pastor que hablara español. Desde entonces hemos visto a Dios obrar trayendo muchas personas a los pies de Cristo y haciendo crecer la obra en este lugar.
The Bible commands us to go to the highways and hedges and that is exactly what we do here in the bus ministry at South Haven. There are three forms of outreach through our bus ministry.
FIRST, we have the buses that pick up children and adults each and every Sunday for Sunday school and church.
SECOND, we have what we call "open-air" meetings that take place outside in various neighborhoods across Middle Tennessee throughout the week.
And THIRD, we have Bible Clubs that are conducted after school in local community centers in Nashville and greater Nashville.
We are so grateful for the privilege to minister to each and every person that God brings our way. If you would like to be a part of any of these meetings or would like to serve in this area, please contact our Bus Director, Brent Epley.
South Haven Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved